Wednesday, August 7, 2019


A cheeky cheeky one
this is just for fun
for the beers, not the tears
come the sun, we wake up and run

When push comes to shove
I am there for you bruh
when dark and desolate and so-so-late
I will stand there with a lantern and some love

Meanwhile on other days
a complete disgrace
slippery, never calling
for six months I am lost without trace

Who do I think I am with this face
making it look like I care for my grace
out of touch, out of sight
you'd say "he is full of shit anyways"

But there goes the tragedy yes?
its hectic if not a total stress
we are given a game to play 
and we are told to say yes

We are told to embrace
there is this uneasiness
this threat if you don't embrace
shame on you, you disgrace

But but, we are in the same boat bruh
two fish in the same pond old 
if I have my soul got sold
I also lament your heart so cold

So here is me standin' clear
no buddy, no judgement whatsoever
call me up if you feel like a giver
but if you don't, its just another turn from here

Don't think our paths will cross again?
but I've seen it happen time and time again
time itself will bring you back
you are like a white shirts stain

again, you will embrace me with that hug 
and smile that ugly smile when I am in luck
we will end up laughing at the same old jokes
making fun at your clothes and my nose

Maybe not right now, not very emotional now
this is no time for lanterns or love
but when push comes to shove
I am there for you bruh