When you talk, talk about the big things. Or don't talk at all
When you talk, talk about ideas, not events
When you talk about events, talk about the very best
And at any rate, keep the people out
If at all you should talk, talk silly
Like how everything is beautiful, with a capital B
Like how a child's laughter fills a room
Like why you still look back on that dark day
Or why a certain shady hotel is memorable
Maybe somethings louder than others, you know
If you want to make a moment count, talk about the beautiful stuff
Like sunsets and candle light dinners
Holiday plans for the next few years
Bucket lists long forgotten
The latest sensation in Indie rock
Or why Blackwater Park is the best Opeth song
Or why Blackwater Park is the best song, ever
talk poetry man
Damn, write poetry
If you really want to talk, right,
Talk about the ideas you care about
How a certain way of looking at reality makes it almost bearable
How existentialism is all good, but it only asks a good question afterall
That the answer is there but you are not there yet
And god forbid you actually find what you are seeking deep, deep, down
But fuck my hypocrisy, talk whatever man
Talk about reality shows, If you have a fool to take it
Talk like a man of gold, if you can fake it
Talk whatever man, just not to me
If you want to pass time, talk events
But make sure you twist them enough
Make memory more dramatic, dreams more realistic, and women more beautiful, always
Definitely have an affair gone bad
Mountains make for good stories too, especially if you almost killed yourself climbing one
So you know, so much to talk about
If that's really what you want to do
But gods, please keep the people to a minimum