so what am i thinkin nw..?? not yet know what xactly i am thinkin nw..
mayb i ws thinkin bout somethng dat i intend to fill this space wid..
no..i ws thinkin if i cud create a brain child of mine to impress my visitors..
ya n i cn also boost of my creative skills to write somethin as new n refreshin as this!!
but what am i gonna write?
why d silly n funny thghts which flash at d time of going to bed and while chitchatting bullshit wid friends flash now, when i need their aid most.. ? ?
why does it seem (suddenly) that i all but cant create somethng impressive without plagiarizing somethng on d web? ?
again..mind ur words.. the word is RESEARCH i do not copy anythtng..i just borrow views from variety of sources, study them and create my own as a hybrid of one or more of those not-so-useful thoughts.
btw where do all those goddam writers n so called authors come frm? where do they get all those thoughts which i feel are easy to create? afterall all those are not as impossible to imagine you see..all it takes is to get into the imaginative mood..
well another silly querry forcibly pops up into my splendid greys- why am i never in that imaginative mood da?
i probe for the answer cant be ordinary..there's gotta b somethng special - a hidden talent or something - in me too..u c evrybody has one..
no REASONS found..the processor now executes a search for an EXCUSE..
the search is comeplete and one genuine result found!!
the reason is spam dude..
all the spam - i mean distractions - around me ( and also maybe in me ) that make my mind unidirectional..d idiot box as an example, orkut (obs) and many other things like this f**kin (beep!) blog i created without any justification whatsoever, and these classes n syllabus n whatnot? (yeah the pollution too has a hand i guess!!)
all these things gave a deadly blow to my creativity.(afterall its not my fault you see!!)
no, not that i am d only purposeless sole consuming this planet in d recorded history, bt i believed that i had the wits in me to create something which others cant think of, something which i can boost of not being plagiarized.
which is not as silly as this actually..
now..another search is executed by the processor.this time the question is "is there any chance of me getting to do somethig brainy?"
yup..why not dude..wait on..'khuda ke paas dheer hai par andheer nahi' (not that im Theist)
i still have loads of time to think nothing and then startoff thinkin something which is atleast not Nothing!!