Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Things You Better Not Try

                                       Pic Cour.: Sru.


This list could very well be infinite. Ill keep adding up the new funny things regularly. If you have anything as funny, you can tell me in the comments and ill include yours at the top of the list.

Ø Wake up your neighbor at 2 am and ask him about the schedule and venue of the next days cricket match between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Ø Go straight to the happiest person in the group. Ask him how he was and as soon as he replies, just go on saying “So you took your bath today, huh??”
Ø Return the paper blank in 30 minutes and when the examiner says “Why don’t you write something?” look at him as if he were a door-to-door sales man and reply “Next time.!” He would also refuse to give your question paper back unless you sit for one hour but be strong to say “No, thanks”
Ø Whenever you find a question in the exam asking “Can you tell that” about some useless phenomenon or “Can you give the list” of something…. Don’t rethink. Just answer straight - “No.”
Ø Whenever your bro or sis is acting lazy to take a bath, start playing with his small conscience talking about how dirty it feels and how you are allergic to sweat and how ugly you feel about him. You can even act as if he/she is untouchable. Ten minutes of that shit and you are in for a real good fight (or thrashing).
Ø  Message your friends who are waiting for you for the past half an hour “Wait for 2 minutes and ill be there in one hour”
Ø You go for a dinner at relative’s house and they ask you what you want to eat. Ask back “What did you cook TODAY?”
Ø Someone is talking something rubbish and going quiet silly at that. Just shout "AAAAAAAhhhhhhh" but before he hits you, convert it into a tune "AAAAAAAha ha haha Oho ho hoho"
Ø "What’s the time?"

 "What do you expect?"
Ø Some old friend calls up and asks "Guess who this is?!"
Reply "Don't you know yet?"
Ø Go to your mom in the afternoon when you are hungry. Ask her "Did you cook anything today?" Then correct yourself saying "What did you cook today?"