Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Continuation of the fuckedupness.

This isn’t the start. For the start, read this

Then here is part two. He was meant to write the supplementary exams in the September of 2009. He did. Except one. Which is a hell excellent by his standards. He assured us that he would pass all that he wrote. All right.

And the one exam which he left was to be written a few days back. He did. After this, he had to write an entrance exam for engineering and join a college. It was going to be good. But for him, good isn’t good enough. He had a whole 5 or 6 months to prepare for the one subject which he knew was going to be tough. He knew that he needed to practice. Seems that he knew more about the question paper than the paper setter himself. Except how to answer it. He just gave me the news that he flunked the exam without any fuss. No excuses. He just fucked up. For me, he deserved to for being direction-less.

So..his next attempt is due September. He wasted another year. Wait, no. He is just at the beginning of a fresh wasted year. He really isn’t dumb. He is mature and logical. After all these years together, I just don’t know what really is the only reason for this.

Consequences? He is not going to get any new chances from his family. He used up all his lives. He doesn’t know what happens next. If anything happens at all, that is. Maybe he’ll join a job right away and attempt the exam next time around hoping that he doesn’t sleep half way through. If anyone asks if he is going for engineering after that, no better joke.


Unknown said...

hmmmm.. yeahh..

abhi said...

may god bless him....