Sunday, July 17, 2011

Creativity - killed

There was a time when ideas occurred at will to me. My blog always had a new post in works. And people, they were actually impressed by the articles I used to write. That was me even till last year. But then CA took over. I had to write my exams. Had to prepare for months on a roll and whenever I wanted to do something else, there was this guilt feeling that I shouldn’t be fooling around away from books. So my thought process lost that freedom which makes it flow and make things happen.

There you go, my creativity was restricted and slowly nullified. People think that creativity is like, you know like, those things which never go away. It does. Especially when you prepare 8 mammoth subjects for an exam. More so when you don’t expect to use any of them practically to earn a living.

My ability to write about interesting things slowly but surely went down. I specifically miss the good feeling I get when I know that an article turned out to be something meaningful and good enough to be posted under my name.

And this, yet another attempt to bring back a bit of that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice try to grab attention.. hehe..:PP