Monday, January 12, 2009

TERRORISM – the funny side

Don’t take this in the wrong sense. I tell you, don’t take this in any sense at all!

Advantages of terrorism!!

Though the advantages do not even compete with the ravage and damage caused by terrorism, they still exist. Why else do you think the so-called superpowers still bear with the Pakistans and Al-Qaedas..

1. Economy – many people do not know that terrorism runs a parallel economy of illegal activities, smuggling and even some vital industries. If the western world were to eradicate Al-Qaeda and allied forces, which they are very capable of, the world economy would collapse in no time. Osama bin laden and co. own the major share in gum Arabic company, which exports a special gum to most of the world including America. This gum is vital in production of newspaper, cool drinks etc. Therefore, whenever you buy a newspaper or drink, you are supporting Osama!

2. Boon to the opposition – What better reason to accuse the ruling government, for the opposition, than the security to the lives of the people. I think politicians are the ones who look forward to such attacks more than the terrorists themselves do.

3. Press survives – you know how many people live in news media industry? As reporters? As anchors? As writers? In thousands..In addition, without terrorism, the whole sector would collapse virtually. It’s a fact that today terrorism is the main source out of which interesting shows or articles can be made out.. People want to watch or read interesting things. And terrorism makes news quite interesting!

4. Insurance – Earlier, the government used to introduce special tax benefits if people invested money in life insurance policies, to encourage people to take insurance cover. Now, it can comfortably withdraw all those exemptions. Because, when you are not sure whether you’ll return back home or not from that flop movie you dared to go, you sure would not hesitate taking a LIC policy ha..

5. Publicity – Anyone cared to observe the sales trend of GOKUL chat after the bombings? Its earning in lakhs day to day and now its also planning a new branch! I mean how’s that for publicity..You’ll find more people standing near gokul chat on a normal weekday evening than you’ll find in a MacDonald’s on any weekday! So, terrorism indirectly is boosting some popularity for places like that..

6. Recession – It gives us a reason to take our heads away from the economic failures and lay-offs.

7. Oneness – Nothing binds two sections of people more than a common enemy! People of Mumbai, for instance, have put their bullshit regional differences aside for as change to bring out a solution for this problem (Though they are not going to make much of a difference).

8. Security Personnel – Another economic sector booming because of terrorism. Also, causing handful employment activities to the people with fewer brains and more bodies! Again how else do you think the commandos and the special task forces get prove their efficiency if not for those incidents.

9. Self Esteem – How many of you are really born for a cause? Look their prospective - These people - the terrorists – are made to believe that they are born for one! Either a terrorist is training, hiding or in a mission, or he is already dead! Even the suicide bombers – Jihads - think that they are going to attain immortality. Damn about immortality and eternity but imagine the pride in the minds of those Mumbai terrorists minutes before they jumped into that suicidal action!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Resolution - or Things like that..

Well.. “What’s your resolution?” routine question around these times, eh.. I don’t know many people who’ll ask me that.. well I don’t have that kind of people around me.. and that’s one of the main reasons I didn’t make any resolutions till date.. I don’t intend to make any now anyways..

but it’s a interesting topic right!! Why? Because people always expect to hear weird things about resolutions.. at least interesting things.. or maybe it interests to hear out other people about how they wish they were..

so lets talk about the various resolutions one can make..maybe the various resolutions YOU can make.. :P

the best one would be to be more sensitive.. and if u ask my father, he’ll want me to be more sensible!!

Nevertheless, aint you happy the way you think you are... you don’t need to be sensitive as long as people know you are not an asshole. Anyways practical is what works today..what else..being sensible is out of question anyways .. :P

getting more marks..don’t you think getting marks is what you’ve done all through your life..

Getting up early is so out of fashion.. Don’t try to make new friends because best friends are not made, they just happen and too many friends is not good for health either.. :->

If you were going to college only for attendance and it is working fine, you need not change. It is not worth it.

Don’t get into weird things or Guinness book achievements, you’ll look stupid doing such things.

Don’t try to get in touch with departed friends because the main reason to part is that you were already bored of each other..At least they were!

Don’t make a resolution to visit places just for the fun of it.. Its not a valid reason..

To make a resolution not to make a resolution ever looks so silly, right!!

Are you thinking of going to yoga classes or some other exercise? Believe me its not going to work out.. certainly not for you..

Any more alternatives in mind, huh? Come on, there’s no straight rule that you’ll have to make decisions only at the start of a fresh year.. So take your own time, if you intend to make any decision that is.. :-))