Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Art of Lying

Some people read this and joke that I am an expert. False. No, I am not faking. Swear.

There are few dimensions to lying. And a few precautions.

The precautions is where lying for me is an art. If you don’t know how to use a lie, it can be disaster and when used well, a truth is not even a comparison in terms of return! Also, you have to cover all angles like when you tell someone a lie which relates to another person, you better call up that person and tell him to act up when needed. Of course, you make up another lie to convince that person. Another precaution is taking the big picture into the account. You don’t want to make the mistake of losing the jackpot trying to save the ticket price.

A lie may be made up instantly. Or maybe thought out thoroughly. It may be an innocent one, meant to soothe others or just save your ass. Or it may be at the higher level like making a gain or saving your ass big time!

If you take my experiences, it is more often that the thoroughly thought out lies are bound to be decoded sooner than later. I can even propose a theory that the more thoroughly thought lies are of the higher levels with more at stake and hence more chances of a thorough review of the facts by whomsoever it concerns to. Also, the extra care while playing a lie brings with it extra doubts. A instantly made up lie when small in significance is anyways out of danger. But what I want to say is that the bigger lies too are quite safe from being figured out. This is because the lie is made up instantly, keeping in mind the past facts and their reliability of not being discovered. And the instantaneous approach, I believe, brings about a natural instinct to the flow of things which reduces the suspicion. There’s this joke about lying which I don’t remember and hence can’t tell you. Not that it has anything to do with the above theory. Well, the theory in itself doesn’t really matter because you know that you are reading bullshit anyways.

But there is more to lying than the need of it. It can be fun. It can be what they call bluffing. It can be told just for the heck of it. Or to bug someone. It’s like a small mental venture. No wonder I like it..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Celebrating Independence

Independence Day usually meant two things to me annually.

One, a guaranteed holiday.

Two, something to write about in the blog.

But this year, I am kind of facing a dilemma. That is because each year I used to have more working days than holidays, but this time, it had been a total turn around. Now, I have so many days off that I have to put up a schedule if I want to do some work on some day. Each year, I used to make the Independence Day special by

1. Sleeping till lunch.

2. Watching movies which inspire my patriotism.

3. Do nothing about it.

4. Sleep, wondering when the next holiday was up.

But now, as things changed I face the challenge to do something to make this August 15th rememberable.

I can go to the flag hoisting program in my college but I decided not to because they sent a notice almost forcing us to attend it, which amounted to disregarding my fundamental right of freedom of whatever. Hence, I decided to avoid it by all means so that I do my bit to keep the constitution in force (who cares if it is outdated). Also, the chief guest is so old that the chances of him insulting the flag by dying in front of it, of a weird cough, are really significant.

So now I have to do something out of the routine on this Saturday just for the heck of it. And here is my revised time-table for that day. Beware; this can be too surprising for you to digest.

1. Wake up at 6.

2. Play cricket in the dust till lunch.

3. Do not watch movies which inspire my patriotism.

4. Do nothing about not being patriot-zed.

5. Sleep, wondering when the hell is the next working day.