Sunday, March 31, 2024

Going to California

Today morning, I woke up early.

Plugged in the speaker and Robert Plant was Going to California.

So I took out my guitar and pretended I knew what Jimmy Page was doing. Such are the times that a few minutes of peace and joy are precious. Such are the times, you realize more and more that this won't last forever. So the best way to live a good life, you realize, is to have fun while it lasts. Which is just about now. 

And not as a spectator but by becoming the guitar. Becoming Jimmy Page, even if all you can do is close your eyes and listen. But no, if you even pretend like you can touch Robert Plant, you are pushing it.

Anyways, today, we have brought home our new child. New beginnings, again. And so, you have fun along the way. because you know..

Don't ever let them tell you that they are all (all, all) the same!

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Good old days, you know (March 2024)

You know, I still remember the days when I did not bother about saving contacts on my phone by tagging them into relation, function and location. I saved my best friends with their nicknames. Some still stay that way. Those were the good old days. 

I remember a time when I used to get excited about festivals, for all they meant. Now even my kids can't be bothered. They'd rather watch something. 

These days, a lot of the charm is gone. Or so it seems to this bald grey head anyways.

But you know, there are still always some sweet spots. Of course the temptations changed. And what we expect of them. But hey, there is still some sweets I really consider a treat. And still a few spirits I consider sweet. 
Some things though, they leave a regret and some, nostalgia. Very few, anticipation. But still, much more than I'd consider myself deserving. 

Anyways, we can get into all that over the next one, yeah?