Sunday, April 7, 2013

Can Read

As promised, if anyone is keeping track, we will talk about the novels that you ‘can read’, or I’ll do myself good to read.

The problem with me is I am always on the move. Never on one thing for long enough to see it through. Now, I am following the markets, next week, I am on some TV series, and the week after, I am back on market, or doing something different altogether, like brushing my technical subjects. Last week, I was thinking of reading up an epic novel. If I spent as much time on reading some novel rather than on searching the best there is, I would have completed one. There are too many things to do. And hence, one thing is always at the opportunity cost of some other extracurricular activity. In fact I firmly believe that if I can stick to one thing for long enough, I’ll be good at it. The problem with me, as I said, is I am always on the move.

So coming back to novels, you – must - read ‘Fathers and Sons’, it is epic, believe me. I read it like a few months back and it moved me. No lessons, a story too good to pass up.
Also, I was searching the net for the list of best novels there are. As it turned up, I don’t even know names of any of the top ten. What, Godfather and Fountainhead are not even in the top hundred. And I thought I was a scholar having read them. Well, got to do more, got to be more. And so, I made a resolution to read the best novel ever as per the authority there is, the Times – Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy . The eBook version has, take a deep breath, one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine pages. Without bothering you with my personal reasons, let me just say ‘This novel will have to wait’. I humor-filtered the top hundred list and then sorted it by the no. of pages column in ascending order. The result is ‘Three men in a boat’ by Jerome Klapka. The eBook version has one hundred and sixty four pages in total. Just the size my lethargic life style demands. The novel is funny as hell. Only five-point someone brought made me laugh so much in the first 30 pages. Well, I can’t comment on the rest of the book having not read it but it has promise.
The plan is, somehow get a hard copy of Anna Karenina or War and Peace, read it up and pretend I am a scholar, having now contributed to the world of literature by providing it the audience it doesn’t need, but deserves.
This article has to finish with a funny quote, I resolve. Search the internet – ahh, powers off (with it, the modem) – Here’s a compromise, the first line of the best novel ever, Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

That must get me going.

Wait, the powers up in the last minute, let’s see if I can use my talents to pull the rabbit out of the deep hole with ‘Google’ written above it –
Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” - George Burns

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