Monday, July 9, 2018

Sehnsucht - on a prompt

I climb up the mountains. I can touch the heavens and laugh at the clouds. 
All the solitude I dreamed of when I was down in the world. 
Ran away, I did, but forgot to take myself along.

I sit on the beach. Wave after wave passes me by. 
Sand is soft, yet cruel is life. The beer bottle talks but there is water in it now. 
Is the ocean salty or is it my loneliness.

I drench in the rain and the traffic is buzzing all around my bike. 
I feel the wetness, right through my white shirt. 
I need to let go. Why can't I let go. 

There is a freedom that I seek. And always here it seems. 
I could never reach out enough though. Nothing can grip it.

I find a bench in the retreat. 
A temple of peace. A place with a heart. 
A treasure trove of nature, a forest dwelling for the soul that yearns. 
An empty mind I seek, but something still evades.

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