Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Meditation

All right now, all quiet now
Slow down, find the breath
Shut down the thoughts
Shut down the mind
Be conscious of the breathing that you are.

And realise this if you may. Don't you rationalise it. Don't you think about it. Just repeat it, visualise it, and let it realise itself within you. However long it may take is irrelevant, however many repetitions it may take is irrelevant.

This moment is all there is
I am here, nowhere else
I am in this moment, not the future, not in the past

This moment is all there is
And I am happy here and now
I have no regrets, I have no complaints
I am grateful. Thank you.

Who am I?
I am not this body, I am not this mind.
Who am I?
I am not my thoughts, feelings or emotions
I am not my joys, fears or regrets, ambitions or plans
not my love, or my loved ones
I am not the pain nor the pleasure
Who am I?

For now, I am a being that responds
So I choose to respond fully, without hesitation
So I choose to respond joyfully, with all the life in me
So I choose to be unconditionally responsible for everything and everyone around me.
I have control over how I react.
Consciously not compulsively.
I alone am fully responsible for my life.

I have no limits
All limits and conditions are only in my mind
I accepted them so that I can use them, but they don't have any power over me.
I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind and heart into.
All hindrances are temporary or delusional.

I don't need to achieve anything, or have anything, to be at peace.

I am peace."

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