Friday, August 1, 2008

god? whoz dat? or whatz dat?

Here again I start something silly saying I am an atheist!!

After all there hasn’t been ne logical proof that god exists..they say god makes miracles happen and stuff..I say all that is bull shit!!

Miracles happen because we make them happen with the aid of our evolutioned brains or if that is not the case then its all coincidence or just random .Btw I didn’t experience any miracle happening to me? not even a remarkable coincidence to boost of?? What say? I know what you are about to say..'Wait for your chance, and then you’ll regret.' I am not going regret because it’s not my fault that I haven’t come across anything like that yet and hence no chance for the all popularized REALIZATION!!

My bro kinda changed my view negligibly..I had a small conversation regarding this before he left for Goa a few days back..He asks me if I knew that god doesn’t exist for sure? NO. So he concluded that since we are not sure if there is no supernatural being, there is a possibility that it exists even if that is very less in terms of probability. He went on to say that we have no right to comment on the issue that we not sure of!!

But here’s my point again - if I return to my house after a holiday, I’ll never know if there is a robber in the house. But because I don’t know whether there is anyone in there..I obviously open the lock assuming that there’s no one or else I would never dare to open it. Savvy?

Well d conclusion runs on like this..

If there’s an almighty we'd have known by now. Now people say god is beyond our understanding.then are we not to infer that he or it doesn’t want us to understand it?
Then what’s the point in all d prayers when he wants us just to live our lives than to search for him?.. Come on dude, if he wants us to worship him, he'd have let us know..and btw if you are wondering whether I am going to hell after reading this page? Then I still have a stand that I don’t know if someone was judging me at all!!
Or else don’t you think I would have been at my damn best to avoid dose invisible spy cams of heaven!!

Don’t get disappointed ..yesterday, a chat friend was saying "different people have different perceptions about god!"

That was just mine :-)

1 comment:

Meenakshi Janga said...

Well your arguements are a little frivolous. They are not serious in content and expression. It shows inappropraite levity. But I agree with the general concept that there aint no god.